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NetDevOps – The Journey Begins

The cultural divide between delegation of network control such as in the case of Cisco ACI, or VMware’s NSX is a cause for questioning.

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VXLAN MTU vs IP MTU Consideration

Audience This post is for anyone who’s thought about deploying VXLAN on their network and who like me thinks deeply about stuff, to the point of utter confusion, which hit me on a very hot sunny afternoon.

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CLI Scraping with Python

This is a self contained guide on how to use code driven CLI scraping to connect to a Cisco Catalyst 3560 device and interact with it.

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From CLI to Py(thon) [Beginner]

Like StarWars has the prequels, the sequels and questionable Disney future releases, some blog posts need writing in the correct order.

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Objectifying the network using Python [Part One]

My last post was almost a rant more than anything of use, however that combined with Jeremy Schulman’s excellent post around network tooling should give an indication of where industry mindsets are the moment.

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